Alpha is an engineering and architecture company which consists of several well-known architectures, engineers and consultants who believe in academic and up to date work. Alpha wants to bring beauty into the Iraqi and Kurdistan region architecture. moreover, Alpha is working to build the academic capacity of new workers and engineers through training. Alpha is keen on safety and sustainability and economy of the design and the building. Because Alpha wants to leave a landmark into the Iraqi architecture.

Our Vision: Alpha Architects envisions a transformation in the architectural narrative of Iraq and Kurdistan. Our mission transcends mere structures; we aspire to weave a tapestry of beauty into the very fabric of our cities and communities. We believe that exceptional architecture should be both a testament to history and a harbinger of progress.

Our Mission: At Alpha, our mission extends beyond architectural excellence. We endeavor to cultivate and nurture a new generation of architects and engineers, imparting academic insights and hands-on experience through comprehensive training programs. We are dedicated to elevating the academic capacity of emerging professionals, ensuring a sustainable legacy of expertise and innovation.

Core Values: Safety, sustainability, and economic prudence underscore every facet of our work. We hold an unwavering commitment to designing and constructing spaces that prioritize safety standards without compromise. Sustainability is embedded in our ethos, as we conscientiously strive to harmonize our designs with the environment. Our dedication to economic efficiency ensures that our projects stand as beacons of architectural grandeur while maintaining fiscal prudence.

Leaving a Legacy: Alpha Architects aspires to leave an indelible mark on Iraqi architecture—a legacy that echoes our commitment to excellence, beauty, and progress. Our ambition is to craft iconic structures that transcend time, becoming enduring landmarks that celebrate our cultural heritage and herald the future.

Visit us now at English Village, 245, Erbil, Iraq.